End Game_Bellevue Bullies Series Read online

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  And just like that, the spell is broken. I pull my face out of his hand, even though I’d rather die right there. I can’t give in to him. No matter how much I want to, I have to resist until I know I’m ready. Because I’m pretty sure he wants one thing and one thing only. “I can’t make it easy for you.”

  He widens his eyes as he looks away, chuckling. “No, you can’t.” He tucks his hand into his pocket as he sways back on his heels. “So, I’ll see you tonight?”

  I want to say no. I should say no, yet I murmur, “Maybe.”

  He’s surprised by that. “Maybe?”

  I shrug. “Maybe.”

  His grin takes up his whole face as he nods. “Well, if you maybe show up, find me.”

  “I might do that.”

  I don’t see him move until his fingers thread through mine. “I’ll make it worth your while.”


  He brings my hand up, kissing my wrist ever so gently, his blue gaze never leaving mine. “Yeah.”

  I shrug before pulling my hand from his. My wrist is burning as hot as my insides are. “We’ll have to see.”

  I start to move, stepping backward, and I’m surprised when he doesn’t follow. Instead, he just grins. “I can’t wait.”

  I turn without answering him as a stupid, foolish grin spreads over my lips because I can’t wait either.

  And I have no idea what that means.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Shutting the door behind me, I lean into it, a goofy grin on my face as my heart flips in my chest. Amelia is snuggled deep in her bed, her ass is in the air, and pillows are covering her head. She sleeps in the most awkward ways, and while I know she loves her sleep, I need to talk to her. Going over to her bed, I poke her in a patch of skin that is showing. I think it’s her shoulder, but she doesn’t move.


  She groans before snuggling deeper in the bed, the skin disappearing under the blankets.

  “Hey, Amelia.”

  “Ugh,” she moans, though it’s muffled. “Go away.”

  “I need to talk to you.”


  “Please, now.”

  When her foot comes out, smacking me in the back of the calf, I grimace before laughing loudly. “Amelia!”

  “Go away.”

  “No, be my best friend.”

  When she sits up, pillows go flying, and her hair is sticking straight up in a pseudo-mohawk that has me holding back my laughter. “That’s a rude request at—” she pauses to look at the clock “—almost six a.m.! Are you crazy? I need my beauty sleep!”

  “You’re already too beautiful as it is.”

  “Because I sleep!”

  I chuckle as I sit on her bed, wringing my fingers. “So Ryan showed up at yoga.”

  She blinks, her eyes dark and tired. “Yeah? He’s a weirdo who does yoga. That’s nothing new.”

  “Yeah, but he flirted with me the whole time and bought me coffee.”

  She nods. “Yeah, seems about right. I told you, he’s persistent.”

  “And I may have agreed to go to the Bullies’ party tonight.”

  Her mouth parts as she blinks at me. “No way.”

  “Yeah.” When she jumps out of the bed, landing on her feet with ease, my eyes widen in confusion. “Amelia?”

  “Oh my God, what are we gonna wear? Moon will be there. I gotta look extra hot, and so do you since we all know why you’re going. Let’s skip our afternoon classes and go shopping!”

  “Whoa, calm down, crazypants.”

  But she’s moving. “No, wait, I have this black dress that puts my ass on display like an English ham on Christmas.” I want to laugh, but she taps her jaw. “So you can wear that one since your ass is ten times better than mine. Ryan won’t know what hit him.”

  “See, that’s the thing—” I call out, though I feel she isn’t listening to me.

  “Can I straighten your hair? Have you ever done that? I bet it would look so amazing. J.Lo, for sure.”


  “And you can wear heels, right? I have some Louboutins I stole from my aunt that will make your calves look like complete magic. Everyone will be drooling over you, for real.”

  While I don’t know how a pair of shoes will make anyone drool, I’m annoyed that Amelia isn’t noticing how nervous I am. “I don’t know if I want to go.”

  She whips her head to me, and her eyes widen. Turning from her closet, she’s holding two dresses as her eyes plead with mine. “No, we’re going.”


  “No, you need this. It will be fun, and we have nothing this weekend. I mean, there is a hockey game Saturday night, but we don’t have to be on our game for that.”


  “Sofia, for real. You got this.”

  Frustrated, I yell, “I think he thinks I agreed to sex.”

  Her face twists in confusion. “Huh?”

  “Ryan. I think he thinks I’m coming to have sex with him.”

  She blinks and then shakes her head. “What in the hell did you say? What happened?”

  So I tell her about the whole morning. His quick little one-liners that had me in knots. His eyes that knocked me on my ass. How he flirted endlessly with me, and how I may have flirted back in my weird way. I tell her about the almost-kiss, or at least, I think he almost kissed me, and then how I told him I couldn’t make it that easy for him. It all sounds just so silly when I repeat it. Biting my lip, I chance a look at her as she stands, still with the dresses in her hands.

  Looking back to me, she sets me with a look. “Did he ask you to come to the party for sex?”

  I hold up my index finger. “No, but he said he’ll make it worth my while.”

  “You so need to get laid,” she groans, sitting down beside me before laying the dresses beside her. “I know this is hard to believe, but not everything is about sex. I mean, he may be all about it, with every intention of taking you into a room and screwing your brains out. But I know my brother, and as smooth as he thinks he is, he’s actually a big dork. I don’t know. I mean, I’m his sister, but if I were in your shoes and he was Moon, I wouldn’t think he was trying to get sex out of me. I’d just think he wanted to be with me.”

  Incredulous, I ask, “So if the roles were reversed, you don’t think Moon would want you?”

  “Well, duh, he wants me. Look at me. Plus, he is always liking my photos. He wants it, but I mean, I’m not holding back.” She throws her hands up. “These situations are different, and I honestly don’t think Ryan wants to bang you right from the jump. I think he wants to get to know you. You intrigue him.”

  I look down at my legs. My wounds are still covered with the bandages he put on me. He was basically naked that morning, and he never made a move on me. He just continued to ask me out. Even this morning, he had every chance to kiss me, but he didn’t.

  Why is this so scary?

  Licking my lips, I shrug. “I don’t know. It scares me. Putting myself out there and stuff, I don’t know. What if I do something wrong? What if I say the wrong thing, and he thinks I’m down but I’m not?”

  Wrapping her arms around my neck, she leans her head on them. “Sofia, that’s the great thing about being a woman. We run this. We make the decisions, and while some dickheads don’t respect that, I know for a fact that Ryan would. But, really, I don’t think he’s thinking you’re coming to hook up. I mean, you’ve been blowing him off for weeks, and then all of a sudden, you’re ready to get down? I don’t think so.”

  I nod slowly. I think she’s right. “I don’t know. God, this is stupid! I should be working out. Instead, I’m sitting here talking about this because it’s a distraction. I told you!” I say, setting her with a look, and she grins.

  “But isn’t it fun?”

  Well, maybe I think you’re the perfect distraction.

  His words shake my core and have my thighs trembling. No, I’m not a nun, and he’s hot a
s fuck and funny. So funny, and he has this cute, boyish charm to him, but it freaks me the hell out. I don’t cry, but I feel like I want to. I’m just so frustrated. “I don’t know.”

  “Come on,” she says, squeezing my neck. “Be honest with me. You like him?”

  I lean into her, and I shrug. “I mean, he doesn’t suck.”

  She grins against my cheek. “So, let’s go. Let’s have fun and see what happens. In no way, shape, or form do I believe you should go in there with the intention of handing your card over. I want you to go and just have fun. Let loose and see if you like him.”

  I don’t need to see if I like him. I know I do, but I don’t know what that means. Do I let loose? Do I let things happen? Or do I try to control it all? But then, how do I control it? What do I want?

  I want to support my mom and give her a good life.

  But what about me?

  What about my life?

  When a tear rolls down my cheek, I wipe it away quickly, but Amelia sees it. “Oh, Sofia, don’t cry. It’s okay. I get it. I do, and if it’s too much, we won’t go.”

  I shake my head. “I just… I don’t know.”

  “I know,” she says softly, kissing my cheek lovingly. “Let’s play hooky today. We can lie in this room, eat bullshit all day, and watch movies. Just relax.”

  I shake my head, even though that sounds like a fabulous time. “I can’t. I have that stupid computer class, and I can’t miss.”

  She squeezes my neck. “Crap, I know you can’t miss. It’s stressing you out.”

  “Yeah, though Ryan said he’s gonna give me his notes.”

  She grins. “Good. His notes will be great.”

  I wipe away another traitorous tear. I hate crying, especially over something so silly. I just struggle with how torn I am. On one hand, I want to let loose and have fun. On the other, I want to stay in my bubble and work for my goals. Is there a balance?

  Glancing over to where Amelia laid out the dresses, I know there is no way in hell I’m wearing either of them. But I do want to see him. Am I really going to go? Clearing my throat, I whisper, “You can do my hair, but I’m not wearing heels and a dress.”

  She shrugs, not the least bit affected by that. “Cool, I’ll wear one, then.” She sends me a grin. “We’re gonna have a blast.”

  “And you won’t leave me?”

  “Not unless you want me to.” When she waggles her brows, I groan, falling back into the bed.

  I’m going to a party.

  My first party. Ever.

  To see Ryan.


  When Amelia mentioned that she thought I’d look like J.Lo with my hair straightened, I didn’t give it much thought. I’ve always had my hair a curly mess. I didn’t need it another way since it was always in a bun, but as I stand in front of her mirror looking myself over, I almost can’t believe what I see. It took her an hour to get my hair bone straight, and it looks insanely pretty. It’s well past the middle of my back, and I love it, though there is no way in hell I would take the time to do this every day. My makeup is dark and bold, and I’m pretty sure Amelia missed her calling as a professional makeup artist because she’s talented as hell. Unlike her, though, I’m not wearing a skintight dress and high heels. I thought she’d fight me on it, but she didn’t. Instead, I’m wearing some leggings along with an oversized varsity Nike shirt. I have my trusty pink Nikes on, and while I know I’m dressed down, I feel beautiful.

  I just hope Ryan thinks I am.

  “I wish I could wear something like that and look as hot as you do,” Amelia says, moving her hair off her shoulders before holding up her phone. “Smile. I gotta send this to Shelli.”

  I do as she asks, and when the phone clicks, I glance over at her. “You could.”

  I mean, don’t get me wrong. She’s insanely hot in her body-hugging red dress, but she doesn’t need it. She’s stunning, and I know everyone thinks so. She waves me off. “No, I have small-girl syndrome. I have to wear something to get attention since most the time, guys don’t see me.”

  “They do too,” I insist, but she shakes her head.

  “No, they don’t. Come on, we are officially fashionably late.”

  I snort with laughter as we head out the door after I tuck my student ID and phone into my bra. “Has Ryan texted you?”

  “You mean has he been blowing up my phone asking if you’re coming? Yes, yes, he has,” she says with a laugh before she shuts the door behind us. As I follow along, I can’t help but be excited. But then, I’m scared shitless at the same time.

  We arrive at the party within minutes. The Bullies’ house isn’t far from our dorm, yet it is far enough away that we don’t hear music until we are almost there. And boy, is it loud. People are everywhere, drinking, playing hockey on their knees, and girls are grinding to the music. It’s a lot to take in at once. I haven’t been around so many people like this in my whole life. Without really thinking, I take hold of Amelia’s hand. When she glances back at me, she smiles.

  “Insane, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” I yell as she pulls me through the crowds and into the house. The house is packed wall-to-wall with people, but Amelia knows her way around. I feel people staring at us, and when I see some of our teammates, I almost stop her, but she is a girl on a mission. I don’t know if she’s looking for Ryan or Moon or both, but I’m just holding on.

  When she stops suddenly, I run right into her, and she steadies me by wrapping her arm around my waist as she looks down at her phone. Her shoulders fall.

  “What?” I yell over the music, and she shakes her head.

  “I’m really sorry,” she says, but I’m confused.

  “What? Why?”

  She doesn’t answer me, taking my hand and pulling me along as my heart jackhammers in my chest. When we reach the living room, I see a circle of people, like in the movies when people are gathered for a dance-off. Oh! I wonder if this is one. That would be neat to witness, but there is no way I can see over everyone. Amelia must realize this, for she pulls me as we snake through people to the front. When we reach the middle, there is no one here and I’m confused.

  “What the hell?”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “Why do you keep saying—”

  But before I finish, a very recognizable song starts. “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi, is a song I know very well because the radio stations played it nonstop. Amelia’s face scrunches up in embarrassment, and I’m not sure why, until I follow her gaze.

  Ryan is standing in the middle of the floor.

  He has a hat low on his head, but his eyes are right on me.

  He’s lip-syncing like he is Justin Bieber himself and I’m the only one in the room.

  You’ve got to be kidding me.

  As he moves to the music, his eyes never leave mine. I can’t help it, my jaw drops. My heart is beating even faster as everyone cheers him on, screaming his name as he moves to the music like he was born to. His hips are dangerous, his body lethal as that electric-blue gaze of his stays locked on me.

  When Amelia leans in, I shake my head. “Again, I’m really sorry for this display of something out of High School Musical.”

  I snort. “He’s serious.”

  “I told you,” she says on an exhale, “he doesn’t want to lose.”

  Neither do I.

  But watching as he moves, that grin on his face while he sings and dances like no one is watching, I can’t help but wonder if maybe losing to Ryan wouldn’t be too bad.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Am I over the top?

  Sure am, and I have no regrets.

  Because Sofia looks absolutely amazing. Her hair is so straight, and while it’s hot, I wish it were in the curls I’ve wanted to see down. Her makeup is done, her lips glossy, and the outfit she’s wearing is so her. I wouldn’t expect her to come out in a dress that would knock me on my ass. While I would love it, I love this. Leggings and a tee, looking like
someone I want to wake up next to.

  When the last beat of the song plays, I stop in front of her. Her eyes are narrowed, her lips pursed, and she looks wholly amused. “You’re serious?”

  I nod. “I wanted to tell you that I want to dance with you slowly.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Oh, Ryan. Google translate left out the part about undressing me with your kisses and going past my danger zones, ya know?”

  My cheeks fill with a bit of color. “Well, I wouldn’t complain about those parts either.”

  Amelia rolls her eyes. “You’re such a dork.”

  “What? She loves it!”

  Sofia smirks. “I’ve never had anyone do that, so you’re winning in that sense.”

  I stick my tongue out at Amelia. “Ha!”

  “But that was insanely obnoxious, and yes, you’re a dork.”

  Amelia is the one sticking her tongue out at me now. “Ha!”

  But my eyes are on Sofia. “A dork you want to dance with?”

  She wants to say no, I can see it all over that gorgeous face of hers, and I fully expect her to. But when I hold out my hand, she doesn’t sneer at it. Instead, she takes it before drawing in a deep breath and glancing over at Amelia for a second. My sister, bless her, just grins, nodding, and then I know I can pull Sofia into my arms. Backing up into the crowd as the music changes to a fast-paced dance song, I lace our fingers together before lifting her hands above her head as she moves those sexy hips to the beat. She seems unsure of herself, a little reserved as she looks around, but then she’s looking at me, and I don’t hesitate for even a second. Bringing her in close, I wrap my arms around her waist as we move to the music, our eyes locked as the world moves around us. I don’t care that the room is full or even that my sister is in a dress a hooker is probably wearing on a street corner right now. No, I’ll worry about that later, for at this moment, all I care about is how Sofia feels in my arms.

  And she feels fucking amazing. Perfect, even. She runs her hands up the backs of my biceps, a little grin coming over those plush lips, and I want her closer. I tighten my hands on her, and she presses into me, her eyes widening a bit, but then she’s lost in the music.


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