Misadventures with a Manny Page 4
“Why do you say that?”
“She has always taken care of everyone else. Never took care of herself. Then while the twins were younger, she worked her ass off to get through school. She’s been grinding since she was sixteen, never taking a moment for herself.” He looks over at me, his voice low. “Only mistake she made was marrying some dude who couldn’t keep it in his pants.”
“Really?” I ask in a low voice, hopeful the boys don’t hear us.
“Yup. But he is the father of her children, so she never left,” he says with a shrug. “Either way, she puts on a hard face and acts tough, but she’s really great.”
“I didn’t think otherwise.”
He sends me a grin just as Riana yells, “Hey, Lincoln! Come in here, please.”
I am up before she even finishes her sentence. I pause, though, when Phillip laughs.
“Eager, huh?”
“Shut up,” I throw back to him before heading toward the kitchen. The house is big, nicely done, and very homey. It has a farmhouse feel, and it isn’t what I would have expected from someone who looks like Vera. I figured she’d have some posh pad with boys who didn’t move, but I know darn well those boys move. They are lacrosse players. My kind of guys.
Entering the kitchen, I find Riana snickering as Vera rolls her eyes, but when she sees me, she sits up straighter.
And I direct my eyes straight to her chest.
First time wasn’t my fault—her shirt was unbuttoned—but this time, totally a pig move on my part.
Inhaling hard, I smack my hands together, forcing myself to look at Riana. “So, am I hired?”
Riana just grins. “Duh—”
“I do have questions,” Vera says then, and I glance back to her, captured by her brown gaze. Her eyes are such a deep brown with flakes of gold in them. Her lips are plush and thick while her chin has a little dip in it. Looking away to the computer, she says, “Your last family moved?”
“They did,” I say and then clear my throat. “I was supposed to go with them, but Sharron, the mom, decided to stay home with them.”
She slowly nods. “And you would have moved to Germany with them? Don’t you have family here?”
“I would have. I love those kids, and I wanted to be there for them. My family does live here, along with Phillip, but I wouldn’t have been gone forever.”
She looks up at me. “That’s very loyal.”
I shrug. “Guess I’m a loyal guy.”
“You were full-time for them?”
I nod.
She continues. “Did Riana tell you that it wouldn’t be full-time here?”
“Well, no, but I figured it could be,” Riana adds.
Vera makes a face. “How?”
“The boys hate school. Let them be homeschooled—”
Vera shakes her head. “I can’t commit to that yet. I have to talk to Simon, and the therapist still isn’t sure that is the way to go yet.”
I’m not sure if I should say anything, but then I’m talking. “With divorce, sometimes it isn’t good to change so much. Maybe just give it a little more time.”
Vera looks at me, her eyes narrowed and her lips pressed hard together. I can see the annoyance burning in her eyes, and I’m confused by it. Does she not like me? Yet, she holds her hand out to me and says, “Exactly.”
Riana doesn’t agree with us, her face giving her away as she shakes her head. “Fine. I just think they need out of that school.”
“I feel the same, but I can’t do that yet,” Vera says, and I can see the struggle swirling in her eyes. Her shoulders are taut, and she looks defeated. I want to wrap my arms around her, hold her, and tell her that things will be okay. Though I can’t guarantee it, I want to tell her anyway. It’s obvious things haven’t been easy for her; nonetheless, she looks like she could take on the world. I respect what she is saying, though Riana doesn’t seem to. It’s hard with kids, especially when they don’t know how to handle what is happening, which I suspect is what is going on with Vera’s boys.
When she looks at me once more, her dark eyes hold mine as she says, “So it wouldn’t be full-time.”
The way she says it, along with her eyes, I feel like she is hoping I’ll turn her down, but I can’t.
“That’s okay.” I’m not sure why I say that because it isn’t okay. I need a full-time position.
But I want to help her.
Her eyes don’t leave mine, and when her tongue moves across her lips, I swallow hard.
“Okay,” she says almost in a whisper. “I leave in the morning at seven for work, but the boys don’t need to be at school until eight. They are driven to school and picked up at three. The last nanny would bring them home so they could get their stuff together for club. They play lacrosse for the Knights over—”
“The boys I cared for played for the Knights. I know where they are.”
“Oh,” she says, her lashes kissing her cheeks before she inhales deeply, her chest moving with the motion. She looks away, but I can’t bring myself to do the same. I am captivated by her. It’s been a while since I’ve wanted a woman so completely, and man, I want Vera.
Which is wrong. So damn wrong.
She is about to be my boss.
Swallowing hard, I look away, but not far enough away because Riana’s gaze catches mine, a little grin on her face as her eyes start to widen. My brows pull together as I mouth, what, and she just grins.
You like her, she mouths back. She’s so hot, right?
I can’t help it. I laugh a bit, which brings Vera’s attention to mine, so of course, I start coughing. “Sorry. Something in my throat.”
She doesn’t seem impressed. “I’ll get home around seven on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I get home at four. So on my late days, they’ll need to be fed. But on my short days, I’ll meet you at practice. Things change a lot since I don’t ever want to miss anything, and we’re still trying to figure out things with my ex. He wants the kids from Thursday to Sunday every weekend, and that isn’t okay with me, not that you need to know that.”
Actually, I want to know it all.
Clearing her throat, she stands. “So if you are okay with those hours, and you still want to work for me, I’d really like to hire you right now. You can start tomorrow.”
My lips curve as I lean on the island. “Can I ask a question?”
Her eyes widen a bit as she sits back down. “Of course.”
“You know my rate?”
“I do. Riana and I have discussed it.”
“Okay. So what else do you want me to do for you?”
Her breath catches, and I am not sure why. But when Riana tries to cover her laughter, I figure I may have come off suggestive. She clears her throat and then swallows hard before she says, “Besides getting the boys to point A and B? Being there when I’m not. I work in the city, so it will be hard for me to get here quickly.”
“That’s not a problem. You’ll have my number. I can be here anytime you need me.”
She inhales once more, her eyes burning into mine.
“Do you want me to clean? Cook?”
Her voice breaks as she asks, “You do that?”
“Yes, I can have dinner ready every night, and the house will be clean, with the boys’ help.”
She just blinks. “Oh.”
“I usually teach the kids to cook too, if that’s okay.”
“That would be great.”
“And I can do homework. I know you said on your short days you’ll meet me, so I’ll just come back here and get everything done so that it takes some of the stress off you.”
She swallows hard. “I can handle my household.”
Oh, the pride runs deep in her. I could see the fire in her eyes. “No doubt, but if you’re paying me, might as well do it all.”
Vera slowly nods before looking past me toward the living room. “Boys, do you want Lincoln to be your nanny?”
n we’re met with a chorus of yeses, along with Phillip agreeing, I look back at her, smiling. She isn’t, though. She looks pained as she brings her gaze back to mine. “Okay, would you like the job?”
“I would.”
She actually looks surprised. “It won’t be easy. The boys are hell bent on torturing anyone I hire.”
I scoff. “Don’t worry about the boys. I got them.”
“He does,” Riana says. “I think it’s what the boys need. A guy to relate to.”
I can see that Vera doesn’t like that. Her lips purse as she looks back to me. “I really appreciate your willingness to take us on.”
“The pleasure is all mine.”
I may have said that a little lower than I should have, but I can’t change it now. I am not usually unprofessional. I take my work very seriously, just like I plan to take this one, but I have never been attracted to my boss. I probably shouldn’t take this job. Not only does it not offer the hours I need, I am way too attracted to Vera. I know the boys need me, and I feel like Vera could benefit from my help. I don’t think I can do this job and keep my thoughts in line. But who said I couldn’t think of her underneath me, on top of me, or bent over in front of me as I disappear over and over again inside her. Making her cry my name, her nails biting into my skin as that pouty mouth of hers covers mine. No, I can think about that all day long as long as I don’t touch her.
Unless she wants me to.
No, I can’t touch her.
She’s newly divorced. She’s my best friend’s wife’s sister. And damn it, she’s my fucking boss.
Problem is, I can tell myself that over and over again, but it won’t keep me from wanting her more than I want my next breath.
Which may become a problem.
Especially if she ever wants me.
Chapter Four
Smiling as all the kids try to fit their faces on the screen, I laugh. “So things are good?”
Max shakes her head. “Mom is not you.”
I smile. “Well, duh, but she’s still amazing.”
“She is, but we miss you,” May says.
I nod. “I miss you guys too. Did I tell you guys that my sister named her baby after me? It’s Lincoln to the second power.”
They all laugh, Minnie’s face the brightest. “Send us more pictures!”
“I will,” I promise. “So how’s Germany? Super cool?”
“It’s weird,” Matthew informs me, and all the kids nod. “But the pretzels are lit.”
I laugh. “I heard that. Have you gotten a bratwurst yet? It’s my favorite.”
“Mom cooked it yesterday,” Max says, but Maverick shakes his head.
“She means burned it.”
That sends all of us into a fit of laughter. “Give your mom some slack. She’s getting into the groove of things.”
“We know,” Maven says softly. “We do wish you were here, though.”
“I know. Me too,” I say on an exhale. While I do wish I were with them, I am more than excited about starting with Vera and her kids. How I got any sleep last night is beyond me. since I was tossing and turning with a hard-on that was painful. All I kept seeing were Vera’s full breasts and that ass of hers. I am a little too excited to get to work today.
Not that I would tell the kids that.
“I got a new job.”
All their smiles drop simultaneously.
If they didn’t look so heartbroken, I’d laugh. “Guys, I have to work.”
“But you’re ours,” May says, and then of course, she starts to cry, breaking my damn heart.
“May, calm down. You guys are still my number ones.”
“But you were supposed to come here.”
“Your parents didn’t need me.”
“So? Can’t you just move here?”
I am not sure who said that, but I shake my head. “Guys, I have to work, and my family is here.”
They don’t like that answer, but to my surprise, it’s Maven who asks, “Who are they? Are they nice?”
I smile. “You guys remember Phillip? It’s his nephews.”
A few of them smile as Maverick says, “Charlie, right? He plays for the Knights.”
“Yup, that’s him.”
“Well, that’s good. They’re lucky to have you,” Matthew says, and I smile. He isn’t one to talk, so for him to say that, he meant it.
“Yeah, I’m excited to get back to work. Gives me something to do rather than miss you crazy folks.”
They all smile big. “We miss you too.”
I nod as I notice it’s time to go in. “Okay, I gotta go. I’ll send you guys pictures of Lincoln the second.”
They all giggle and start screaming bye. I wave before ending the call. I exhale hard, and my heart slows a bit in my chest. I miss those kids so damn much, but I am excited for my new post. It should be interesting. That’s for sure.
I throw the car door open and head up the drive toward the large colonial home. The stone house is huge and has green shutters. The porch is decorated like something off Pinterest—probably decorated by Riana. She is crafty as hell and always has me building stuff for her since Phillip doesn’t know the difference between a hammer and a screwdriver. I, however, do—the perks of being the only male at home when my dad was on the road.
I laugh as I recognize a bench I made last year for Riana, realizing it was actually part of a project for Vera.
I reach the big green door and ring the doorbell. When I hear Vera’s voice, I have to fight back my smile. For a stone house, the door is thin as paper.
“You guys better be ready by the time I come back up those stairs,” she hollers, and I can hear her coming down the stairs. “Who in the hell comes over at six a.m. is beyond me, but the doorbell is ringing, and Charlie if it’s that boy from down the road, I’m gonna wring your neck!”
The door opens, and before me stands the star of all my dreams the night before. Her eyes widen, her hands coming up to close the plush robe she wears as she blows a dark tendril out of her eye. She has just gotten out of the shower. I can see the drops of water along her neck, and my mouth goes dry, wanting desperately to lick them off her.
Swallowing hard, I smile. “Not the kid from down the road. Just your manny.”
Her face flushes, her brown eyes widening even more. “I wasn’t expecting you until seven.”
“Yeah, Riana told me to come earlier so that we can go over everything.”
She blinks. “Shit, she did tell me that.” Gathering her robe more, to my dismay, she moves back to let me in. “Come in. Sorry.”
“No need to apologize,” I say, walking through the threshold and looking up the stairs to where the twins are. “Hey, guys.”
“Hey, Linc!” Elliot says with a grin. He is standing in a towel. “Can you make that French toast you made us when we were at Riana’s last time?”
“Of course,” I say.
He grins before running off. Louis is fully dressed as he waves before running after his brother.
“I don’t know if I have stuff for French toast,” Vera says.
I shrug. “That’s okay. I’ll go shopping for you today. You can reimburse me.”
“Oh, okay, yeah, thank you,” she says before turning on her heel toward the kitchen. As wrong as it is, I watch her fine ass sway, and within seconds, I wonder how it would be to hold those thick globes in my hands. Her waist is so trim, but her ass is out of this world. She is the definition of an hourglass shape, and my mouth is watering for sure. “I haven’t had a decent nanny since the one we had when I was still married, and she fucked my husband, so I’m a little rusty.” She reaches for a cup and glances over to me. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”
She clears her throat as she pours. “I think I still have the credit card I had her use,” she says, more to herself, I think. But I don’t care as long as she keeps talking. I love the raspiness of her voice and the way her lips move, e
specially when she presses a finger to her bottom lip. Looking over at me, she says, “Hopefully they don’t ask for ID. I’ll order you a card today.”
“Sounds good,” I say, swallowing hard as she hands me a cup. “Anything I need to know?”
She brings her bottom lip between her teeth, her lashes fluttering before she shrugs. “Not really. I think I covered everything last night. Make sure to write down your mileage so I can compensate you.”
I nod. “Okay.”
“And you have the times? It’s a late night for me, so I won’t be home until seven.”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“Okay.” She pulls a credit card and a key from her purse. “Here you are.”
I take them from her, and when I look up, she is watching me. Her eyes are dark, dilated, and her lips part ever so slightly as she drags her gaze along my face. I hold her gaze as heat rushes through me. I want to touch her so fucking bad. Her skin looks so soft and luxurious. Even without the makeup she had yesterday, she is stunning. I want to tangle my fingers in her hair, and I know that’s so damn bad. I shouldn’t be lusting over her like this, but how can I not? She’s exquisite.
She inhales and drags her gaze from mine before saying, “Well, I’m gonna go get ready. Make yourself at home.”
“Will do.”
She doesn’t look at me as she leaves, but I can’t help watching her.
That sway of her ass should be illegal.
What in the hell am I doing? I can’t be ogling her like that. It’s wrong, but I can’t look away. Shit.
I haven’t been with anyone in a very long time, and from the first glance, Vera has had me in knots. I don’t know how or even why. I’ve never had this happen to me, but she just does it for me. A part of me wants to believe that she is attracted to me, but I’m pretty sure that would make me delusional. I am her employee; she wouldn’t see me as anything more. I wish I had met her in different circumstances because I know I couldn’t make a move if I wanted. I work for her, and that’s it. The sooner I accept that, the easier it will be to keep my dirty thoughts at bay.
Because those thoughts are going to drive me mad.