Laces and Lace (Assassins #6) Read online
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“Who is she?”
Looking up, he met Lacey’s big brother’s eyes and slowly closed the book since he knew there was a good chance this wasn’t going to go well. Taking in a deep breath, he said, “Your sister.”
Grady laughed. “Fuck you, no really, who?”
“Lacey,” Karson answered.
“You’re not funny. You better be joking.”
Karson shook his head and figured he owed it to Grady to be honest. They had been friends for years, but what bothered him was that he had never known about Lacey. It was as if Grady had hidden her, and he didn’t understand why. Ignoring that fact, Karson shook his head as he said, “I’m sprung over her, dude. She is amazing.”
Visibly upset, Grady jumped to his feet, his shoulders squaring up as he glared down at Karson. “Well, unspring yourself, asshole.”
“I can’t. Why did you hide her from me? You never mentioned you had a hot sister.”
“Because I know you and knew that you’d be on her in seconds. You’re a sleaze.”
“Maybe I was, but it’s different this time. I actually have this feeling in my chest for her.”
Grady’s nostrils flared as he glared even more. “I’m going to kick your ass.”
“If you have to, then do it, but I won’t stop. I need her, dude, like seriously. I’m in deep and, as my best friend, you should understand that and support me.”
“Support you, huh?” Grady asked, and Karson smiled.
“Yeah, man, we both want what’s best for her, and I think I’m it.”
Grady didn’t say anything else; he just shook his head and promptly decked Karson right in the left eye. Taking the punch like a champ, Karson closed his eyes as Grady got close and whispered, “Stay the fuck away from my sister.”
“You’ll have to kill me, Grad. I can’t.”
When he opened his eyes, Grady was glaring with the hatred of Hades in his eyes. “Is she worth our friendship?”
Slowly, Karson nodded. “Yeah, because I feel you’ll eventually agree with my way of thinking. A girl like that doesn’t come around twice.”
Shaking his head, Grady stomped away without a second glance. As Karson watched him leave, he asked himself if she was really worth it.
The only answer was yes.
Karson knew it was true when he heard Lacey sing. She had the voice of an angel and looked like one as she sang along with the other Catappellas. He used to make fun of those weird people who made music with their mouths, but now that he knew Lacey did it, he vowed never to call them that again. He only wanted to support her, and as he clapped loudly, whistling for her, a smile grew on his face because he knew exactly how to romance her.
All he needed was the help of the Catappellas.
When Lacey came out the back with the same brunette who Karson had seen her with before, he smiled as their eyes met. She looked away like she had been doing for the past week, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
Stepping out in front of her, he said, “You have a lovely voice.”
“Thanks,” she said, trying to go around him, but she must have noticed that his face was damaged. “What happened to your face?”
He smiled as he ran his fingers along the black eye. “Your brother punched me.”
“What?” she shrieked, along with the brunette.
“Why?” Lacey asked, taking a step toward him. She reached out, but then she stopped herself, tucking her fingers into the red dress she wore. It fit her like a glove, and Karson was salivating at the sight of her.
“I told him I was trying to prove to the most gorgeous girl on campus that I’m worth her time. He asked me who it was. I said you, so he decked me because when he asked me to stop chasing after you, I said I couldn’t.”
Her lip wobbled as she looked away. “You have to, Karson. I’m telling you, you’re going to be disappointed.”
“The only way I’ll be disappointed is if you don’t give me a chance.”
Looking at him, her eyes filling with tears, she whispered, “I’m not worth it.”
“You keep saying that, but I can promise you I’m about to prove to you that you are.”
Before she could say anything else, Karson turned and left the hall, feeling pretty damn good about what had just happened.
Lacey was having the worse day of her life.
After having it out with Grady about Karson that morning—which really did nothing since all her bullheaded brother did was scream at her about how she needed to stay away from Karson—her day persistently got worse. First, she dropped her iPod into the toilet. She wasn’t sure how it happened, but it did, so she had to walk to all her classes without any music. She then failed her math pop quiz, slid on some ice outside Jackson Hall, and to top it all off, they were out of the mocha syrup for her coffee. Lacey was two seconds away from saying fuck it and going back to bed. If she didn’t have to study for her design test the next day, she would have done just that.
So after settling on a vanilla caramel latte, Lacey sat down in her normal spot and opened her books to get started. She was hoping that Rachel would come out, but she wasn’t sure on that. Rachel was completely and utterly engrossed with Grady. She didn’t understand it since she thought Grady was a pig and totally not Rachel’s type, but it didn’t bother her much. She had every right to be a bitch about it, but there was really no point. Shouldn’t Grady be grateful for that? Instead, he was a jerk and made Lacey feel like she was ten and not eighteen.
She knew that Karson was trouble. Knew he had been with more girls than he could count on his hands and feet, but it didn’t matter. Even if she was to get involved with him, his past was his past. As long as he didn’t screw her over, she wouldn’t dig into it, but none of that mattered because nothing was ever going to happen between them. It couldn’t. No matter how much she liked his smile, or his laugh, or the way he made her laugh. She enjoyed him way more than she should, and that was why she was doing everything to stay clear of him, but it was getting so hard.
Letting out a long breath, she ran her fingers along her scalp and scratched quickly. She couldn’t wait for her hair to grow back out. She missed her long locks, but she was embracing the pixie. She just wanted to think she looked normal because when she looked in the mirror, all she saw was the girl who lost all her hair because of chemo. The girl who lost her breasts because the cancer was very aggressive, and then lost all the confidence in the world. It was shitty and she hated her luck, but it was her reality. Maybe one day she’d get the money to buy herself some new breasts, or maybe she’d design something that would make her feel like a woman who was worthy of the attention of someone like Karson. She wished that she had gotten them back when she had the chance, but she had tapped her father out on money, and he said he didn’t want to take out a loan for them. She figured she didn’t need them, but obviously, she did. Back then, she was just glad to be alive and wasn’t thinking long-term of what her life would be later, about how all this would affect her—how it would affect her confidence. Letting out a long breath, she closed her eyes, knowing she needed to let all that go. She was alive, and she needed to work. She had to get her degree, so she could start her life. She had to let Karson go. She just had to.
With a sadness filling her chest, she got to work. She was well into her second study guide when she felt Karson in the coffee shop. It was nuts how she could feel him near her. It was a warm feeling that rested deep in her stomach every time he was around her. She knew he would show up, he always did, but she did everything to ignore him. No matter how hard it was. For the last week, she had done well, except for the night before when he had showed up at her concert. The thought that he watched her sing still made her breathless, but knowing that he took a punch from Grady for her made her heart explode in her chest.
There was a pull between them. One she didn’t understand, and as much as she wanted to let go of her insecurities and believe that he could genuinely like her for her while not being disgusted wh
en he saw her deflated breasts, she couldn’t do it. What man would find that attractive? Especially a man as gorgeous and experienced as Karson King—the captain of the Chicago Cats, the number-one player in the state, who had a one-way ticket into the pros? Yeah, he wouldn’t find her attractive. He wouldn’t want her after he saw that. No matter how much she wanted to believe he would, she couldn’t. It wouldn’t happen.
Moving her hair to the side, she tried to concentrate on her work, but she couldn’t. She wanted to look at him, make sure his face was okay after her boneheaded brother knocked him one. Grady was a big guy, and even though Karson was too, that punch had to hurt. When the chair pulled out in front of her, she looked up to see Karson settling into it, a single rose in one hand and a candle in the other. Letting out an annoyed breath, even though she was happy to see him, she said, “Karson, I’m—”
“Please, give me four minutes of your time,” he pleaded as he slowly slid the rose toward her.
Lacey wanted to say no, but she could see it in his eyes. He just wanted four minutes, and after that, she’d turn him down nicely and they could go on without thinking of each other. She wanted to believe that, but for some reason, she couldn’t help but think she’d never forget Karson King. When she didn’t say anything, he smiled before he slowly nodded his head. Suddenly, the lights cut off. Panicky, Lacey looked around, trying to figure out what was wrong. Karson lit the candle, setting it on the table, his gaze holding hers hostage. Lacey was too busy getting lost in the depths of his eyes to wonder why he had a candle, or to notice when three guys appeared behind him. The same three guys who sang with her in the Catappellas—Marc, Jessie, and Roger.
When she did, she said in confusion, “What’s going on?”
Karson only smiled, and then Jessie started to play the guitar she hadn’t noticed he was holding. She didn’t recognize the music at first, but then Marc started to sing and she knew the song instantly. It was “True” by Ryan Cabrera. As they belted the song out, Karson held her gaze, his eyes telling her that every word was true and that this song was meant for her from him. When he reached out, taking her hand in his, she allowed him and didn’t stop him when he pulled her up into his arms before slowly swaying back and forth with her. She couldn’t stop staring into his eyes. She was mesmerized and completely shocked that this was happening. He smelled so good, and it felt unbelievable being wrapped in his arms as everyone watched and the guys sang to them.
When the song ended, Karson stopped moving and slowly lifted his hands up to frame her face, his eyes searching hers. Softly, he said, “I can’t sing for shit, but I will pay to have someone sing to you. I don’t dance well, but I’ll do it just for the chance to touch you. I’m not one to listen to guys sing to find the perfect song for a girl, but I did for you. Most of all, I don’t usually pour my heart out to a person in front of a full coffee shop because I’m not that much of a romantic, but for you, I’d do it all. I’d do anything to be with you, and I’ve waited for someone like you my whole life. It’s true, all of it, and I would be the luckiest man in the world if you’d agree to go out on a date with me. Please give me the chance to make you fall for me like I have been falling since the first moment I set eyes on you.”
Never in her life had she had someone so ruthlessly come after her. Her heart pounded in her chest as he held her gaze. His eyes pleaded with her, begging for that chance. She wanted to scream yes and never let go of him, but there was a part of her that had her frozen with fear. “I’m terrified of you, Karson. You don’t know what you are getting into. I’m just now picking up the pieces of my life. I can’t redo it all when you run for the hills.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Lacey. I’m here. I’m yours. Just give me the chance.”
Biting into the inside of her cheek so hard it hurt, she closed her eyes as she leaned her forehead against his lips, taking in a deep breath. She was given a second chance at life to live it, not to hide. She had to live her life to the fullest, and a part of her knew that she wouldn’t be living if Karson weren’t a part of her life. Yes, she was terrified, and yes, there was a chance that he would completely break her, but she couldn’t help but try. She didn’t care how crazy it was. She felt the same thing he did. So she slowly nodded as she looked back up into the caramel eyes she craved to look into daily.
A grin came over his lips, and she returned it before whispering, “Yes.”
Karson wasn’t sure who moved first, but the next thing he knew, he was wrapped up in Lacey’s arms, kissing her so hard that he couldn’t breathe. Not that he wanted to. All he wanted was to kiss her for the rest of his life. As his mouth moved with hers, he knew this was it for him, and he didn’t plan on ever letting her go. Deepening the kiss, his tongue moved with hers in the most delicious way, causing the passion in him to rise. Holding her close, he separated only an inch to look deep into her eyes.
Into his heaven.
“As much as I don’t want to let you go, I have to pay these guys, so one second,” he said with a quick grin, reluctantly letting her go to pull some twenties out of his pocket. Thankfully, they had turned the lights back on, and everyone went back to doing what they were doing before Karson turned into a completely pussy and serenaded her. While he knew that he was going to get shit for it at practice tomorrow, he couldn’t muster up anything to care. All he cared about was making Lacey happy, and he thought he succeeded pretty damn well.
“Great job, guys,” he said, before handing them money. They all grinned before heading off, leaving him with Lacey. Turning, he smiled at her before taking her hand in his. “What are your plans tonight?”
She smiled as she laced her fingers with his. “I need to study.”
“Wanna get some dinner first?”
“Is this the date you spoke of?”
“Yeah, one of many to come. Can I please steal you away from studying? I know that’s bad, but I really can’t imagine leaving you after all this.”
A grin pulled at her lips as she said, “Yeah, I can study later. Let’s go.”
Elated, Karson waited as she packed up her stuff before wrapping his arm around her waist and leaving the coffee shop. Heading into the snow, they walked quickly to the Logan’s Roadhouse that was on campus. He knew there was a chance that it could be swamped, but luckily, it wasn’t. Being seated, he scooted into the same side of the booth that she did, grinning when she looked at him, surprised. Taking her book bag, he placed it in the empty spot across from them before looking down at the menu. He could feel her staring at him and looked over to find her grinning at him.
“I have to admit, this is my first date in years, probably, so I may be a tad bit rusty, but aren’t you supposed to sit over there?”
He laughed. “I could, but I don’t want to.” He shot her a grin before saying, “Your kissing isn’t rusty, that’s for sure.”
A giggle escaped her before she pressed her lips shut tight, looking over at him with playfulness in her eyes. “Well, thank you.”
Leaning over, he pressed his lips to hers softly before saying, “No, thank you.”
They held each other’s gazes until the waitress came over for their orders. After their food was ordered and drinks were delivered, Karson turned to ask, “So, how’s school going?”
She shrugged as she folded her hands under her chin. “Good, I failed my math pop quiz today. I hate math.”
“I’m pretty good at it. I’ll help you out if you’d like.”
“I would, thank you.”
“No problem. I won’t miss school once I go into the draft. I hate writing papers and crap. It’ll be nice to just relax and play. Knowing my mom though, she’ll probably suggest I take online classes.”
“Why did you go to school in the first place? Weren’t you offered to go into the draft after high school?”
Karson’s mouth turned up at the side. “Been stalking me?”
She laughed. “Please, if anyone is the stalker in this relationship, it’s you.”
“Maybe… But to answer your question, yes, I was offered, but my mom pushed me to go to school first to make sure that hockey was what I wanted to do.”
“Is it?”
“Hell yeah,” he scoffed with a laugh.
She smiled as she agreed. “You were born for it.”
“Yeah, I love it.”
Holding his gaze, she smiled as she said, “So you want to start a relationship with me when you have one foot out the door?”
“See, I thought about that, but then I figured that you’re the kind of girl that’s worth the trouble of a long-distance relationship. I know you want to stay here because your family is here. I would never expect you to go with me, but wherever I go, believe me, I’ll be yours only.”
“If this works, and the time came for you to leave, then you best believe you’ll be only mine. Don’t cheat on me, Karson King. I’ll kill you…with a hockey stick.”
Laughing, Karson said, “You think I don’t know that?”
Laughing along with him, she leaned into him as she asked, “So where are your mom and dad?”
“Wisconsin. My sister Kacey goes here though, plays for the women’s team.”
“Wisconsin is a good place to go to college, especially for hockey. Why come here?”
“They offered me a full ride. I couldn’t pass it up. Plus, your dad promised to mold me into a great player. He’s succeeded, I think.”
She nodded as their plates were delivered. “Yeah, he is good at what he does. Been doing it his whole life.”
“Yeah, my dad believed in him, so I did. Now though, I’m ready for the pros.”
Lacey agreed as she dug into her food, and he did the same. After swallowing, he asked, “Do you live on campus?”
“Yeah, I had to get out of the house before my dad smothered me. We get free room and board here since he is the coach. Even though he and Grady begged me to stay home, I decided to be a rebel and do what I want.”
That made him smile before he asked, “Why did they want you to stay home?”