Becoming the Whiskey Princess Read online
Page 5
I giggle. “Just asking.”
“That’s not something you ask, though; you let it happen,” he says, kissing the back of my hand. “Give it time.”
“We were gonna have sex the night I got shot,” I point out and he closes his eyes.
“You’re killin’ me, Amberlyn. Shh, don’t talk about it. I won’t make it through dinner with my family if ya keep it up,” he practically begs and I giggle.
“So saying that I want you very, very badly is frowned upon until a moment where we aren’t going to dinner with your family?”
His eyes drift shut as he nods his head, his fingers squeezing mine. “You like torturing me, yeah?”
I smile. “Yeah, I do.”
It’s just so easy.
“You look well, Amberlyn. That’s very good.”
I look up and smile across the table at Mr. O’Callaghan. Declan’s mother and Lena smile fondly at me while her fiancé, Micah, just looks at me. He is very proper. Doesn’t really talk much, but he is gorgeous. He’d have to be to be with someone like Lena. She is stunning. Tall as a model and a body like one too. The dress she wears puts mine to shame. It sparkles like a mirror ball and is short, showing off her beautiful long legs. Micah doesn’t take his eyes off her much, and I don’t blame him. I feel a little self-conscious around her. If Declan didn’t look at me like I was the best looking piece of pie in the world, I’d probably leave.
Thankfully, he does though.
“Thank you,” I say, tearing my gaze away from Micah and on to Mr. O’Callaghan. “I feel great.”
“That’s grand, Amberlyn, we’ve all been so worried,” Mrs. O’Callaghan says.
“Sorry for that,” I say because I have no clue what else to say.
“No, not at all. We owe you everything for protecting Declan the way you did,” she says softly, squeezing Declan’s arm. He sends her a smile before glancing at me with a grin. Good God, he is sexy. Heat burns throughout me. While it is fun to torture him with my need, it’s just that; I crave him. I want to feel his naked body against mine. I want touch my lips to his body, taste him, and have the most unbelievable connection with him. I need it. I need him.
“You’re flushed. Are you okay?”
I glance over at him as my skin burns with more color. “Yes, fine. It’s hot in here.”
He chuckles as Lena says, “I love your accent. It’s so different from ours. It’s so funny that we are both marrying non-Irish folks, Dec! Poor kids of ours won’t know who to sound like.”
Declan laughs as he nods. “I hope they all sound like Amberlyn. That would be a blessing, yeah.”
I smile as I lean into him and Lena giggles. “Such a softy he is. Wish ya talked to me like that, Micah.”
Micah scoffs to that as he shakes his head. “Like I don’t. You know I do.”
His voice is very English. He’s from London from my understanding. They met when she went there on a holiday with her grandmother. Lena’s laughter fills the room as she nods her head.
“I do,” she says with a wink, and you can just see their love coming off them in waves. I wonder if it looks that way for Declan and me.
“When are you two getting married?” I ask and Lena smiles.
“May, next year. We want to wait till his mother gets back from Africa. She is doing missionary work,” Lena informs me and I smile.
“That’s amazing.”
“Yeah, she’s a doctor. I’m to go over this November to help build some house. Trying to talk Lena into going with me.”
Lena laughs as Declan scoffs. “She wouldn’t last an hour and you know it.”
Micah smiles as he looks over at her. “Yeah, she wouldn’t, but it’s gonna be hard being away from her.”
“I might try,” Lena announces, but that has everyone at the table laughing. “Ah! Whatever.”
“You know you need your hair and makeup done, and I doubt that your designer will come to Africa to design yer dresses,” Declan says, pointing his fork at her. “And I’m pretty sure they don’t have air conditioning.”
“Oh, off with ya.” She sneers back at him with a wave of her hand. “I don’t need that stuff.”
“Sure,” Declan laughs and I smile at the family banter. Fiona and I can be the same way.
“Speaking of Marc, Amberlyn, we will need to get you in with him. Have him design you some clothes. He won’t have time to do your wedding gown, but he’ll have your wardrobe done for after the wedding,” Mrs. O’Callaghan says.
I look over at her, confused. “My wardrobe?”
“Of course, you can’t run around in jeans and T-shirts, my dear. You’ll need nice clothes.”
“You’ll love him! We can go together! A girls’ trip!” Lena exclaims.
“I like my clothes,” I say, which silences the table. Looking around at all the faces staring at me, my heart jackhammers against my chest. “I like being comfortable.”
“Oh, he’ll make sure you are comfortable! Promise,” Lena assures me, but I have seen what she wears, and if they think I’m strolling through the pub in heels, they have another thing coming.
Before I can make that known though, Mrs. O’Callaghan says, “When do you want to go pick out a dress? I’d love to come and so would Lena.”
Not that I have anything against Declan’s mom or sister, but I really wanted to do that with my aunt and my cousin. Since I don’t want to offend them, I say, “I think we are planning that next week.”
“Oh, it will be a blast! Ma, you’ll have to call to make sure they have tea and everything set up.”
When I glance back at Mrs. O’Callaghan, she’s on her phone, nodding her head. “Already penciled it in. I’ll call in the morning. I am so excited.”
I smile, but I know it doesn’t reach my eyes as Mr. O’Callaghan says, “You’ll get married here, right, Declan?”
Declan nods. “Sure, Da.”
“Um,” I say, and all eyes shift to me. “My mom and dad got married on the B&B land, by the lake under the tree. I’d love to get married there.”
“Oh, of course,” Declan says quickly. “We’ll have to make sure Mr. and Mrs. Maclaster are okay with that, but yeah, I want that too.”
He smiles widely at me before returning to his plate, but when I look up, I can see that his parents don’t like that idea.
“Will it hold everyone?”
“Everyone?” I ask, looking at Declan.
“Yeah, it will be fine. I have a huge family, friends, and stuff. It will be grand.”
“Oh,” Mrs. O’Callaghan says, her shoulders falling. “We’ve all gotten married on this land.”
“Well, things change, Ma. I have to respect Amberlyn’s wishes too,” he says without looking at her, and I bite the inside of my cheek. I won’t give on this. No matter how disappointed his mother looks. I want her to like me, but I won’t budge on this.
“That’s settled then,” Mr. O’Callaghan says.
“Yes, I guess it is,” Mrs. O’Callaghan sighs as Declan looks over at me.
He sends me a grin before leaning over to kiss my lips softly. It’s way too quick in my opinion, and as he pulls back, he whispers, “I can’t wait to be married to you.”
“Me neither,” I say back, running my thumb along his lip to wipe away some of my lip gloss.
He gives me a wink before returning back to his plate. Leaning back in my seat, stuffed from the duck that was prepared, I look across the table as Mr. O’Callaghan asks, “Will you be moving in before or after the wedding?”
Moving in?
“We haven’t talked about that yet, Da,” Declan says without looking up. “We haven’t discussed a lot of things. Been waiting for her to heal and all.”
“That’s well and all,” Mr. O’Callaghan says, “but it’s coming up quick. The wedding, that is, and we want to make sure she is comfortable.”
“Sure, Da, let us talk privately about that.”
“Of course,” he says with a nod.
�Micah, you live here?” I find myself asking.
And to my surprise, he nods. “I do when I’m in here, and Lena stays with me in London.”
“Are you one of those people who wait to move in until marriage?” Lena asks, a playful grin on her face.
“Lena, shut it,” Declan says before glancing at me. “Don’t pay her any mind. She obviously is off her meds today.”
She sticks her tongue out at him as everyone starts to laugh, but I just poke at my carrots. I don’t want to live here with his family.
Is that weird?
“Amberlyn, I’ll need you to come to tea with us with the Fadmish ladies in two weeks, please,” Mrs. O’Callaghan says once she’s stopped laughing. “I just remembered, and they are so excited to meet you. Maybe you could wear something of Lena’s.”
My brows come up as I shake my head. “While I’m flattered by the fact you think I could wear Lena’s clothes, I’m pretty sure my butt and boobs wouldn’t fit.”
“Sure wouldn’t,” is Declan’s response, which causes my cheeks to redden as I playfully lean into him. “But gorgeous, just the same,” he says, kissing my cheek and hugging me tightly to him.
Meeting Mrs. O’Callaghan’s gaze once more, I notice her eyes are a little sharper. “I guess you’re right. You should go shopping with Lena before then.”
I tilt my head to the side. “I’m sure I have something.”
She waves me off with a smile on her face. I’m not sure if she is joking or being serious. “You’ll need to be dressed accordingly.”
“Isn’t it just tea? I’m sure I have something.”
“A pantsuit?”
“A pantsuit?” I ask incredulously. “For tea?”
Lena laughs, and I notice that now Mr. O’Callaghan is watching me intently. Almost expectantly. I remember Declan telling me that his da thinks I’m not ready for this life. Well, he’s got another thing coming.
“Or a tea dress. I’ll take ya out,” Lena says, but I don’t want to go get new clothes. However, I swallow that and smile.
“Sure, it will be fun,” I say with a nod, but I’m pretty sure it will be anything but.
“Grand!” Mrs. O’Callaghan says with a big grin before squeezing Declan’s hand. He smiles up at her and then me before taking a sip of his whiskey. “We need to plan the engagement party quickly since the wedding is going to be here before we know it.”
“Wouldn’t be that way if Da would give me more time,” Declan says, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. “Give us a year to plan.”
“Well—” Mrs. O’Callaghan starts, but Mr. O’Callaghan interrupts her.
“No, you’ll be married soon, or good ol’ Micah will be taking over operations at the distillery. I want to travel, son. I am done here; it’s time for me and your ma to leave, enjoy our retirement,” he says, joining his fingers with hers.
I can see the tick in Declan’s jaw and I hate that. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, and I’m more than a little annoyed with his father. While we really don’t need time, I understand Declan wanting it for me. He’s nervous and I understand that, but I’m not going anywhere.
“So when should we do the engagement party?” I say, lacing my fingers with his, and then I cover our hands with my other one. He glances at me and I smile. He leans to me, his lips close to my ear as he whispers, “You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to entertain them.”
When he pulls back, his eyes locked with mine, I can read everything on his face. He is nervous and annoyed, but, above all, he loves me. I never thought I could look into the eyes of someone other than my parents and just know they love me. Getting lost in the blue of his eyes, I know that he is right, but at the same time, why shouldn’t we experience it all? If they are going to give us a lavish engagement party, hell, let’s do it. If she wants to show me off to every tea party, let’s go. I’ll do anything to ensure that Declan knows I am here for him. We have things to discuss, but in the end, I’m his. Completely and fully his. So cupping his face, I say the only thing I am thinking. The only thing I am always thinking.
“I love you.”
I want to tell her no.
I want to tell her she doesn’t have to do any of it. That all she has to do is be with me. Love me. But even I know that all this goes with being an O’Callaghan woman. They go to tea with stuck-up old ladies, they shop for expensive clothes that half the time don’t even look good on them, and they plan parties. I know that this isn’t what Amberlyn’s scene is, and that makes me a bit nervous. How much is she gonna take before it’s too much? I’m going to have to have a talk with my family.
And her.
I really don’t want to upset her though. She is happy for the most part but still in some pain, something I still blame myself for. Not that I would admit it to her. I just don’t know anymore. I am tiptoeing on the line between knowing what is right and not knowing at all. I know I want to marry her, be with her forever, but can I do that and still keep her happy? I want to think I can, trust I can. But I can’t help but realize she isn’t from my world, and I am plucking her from hers and putting her in mine, expecting it to all go well.
Glancing over at her, I see that she is watching me, a little smile on her beautiful lips as she holds my hand with both of hers. She looks gorgeous tonight; the skirt she’s wearing is long, and it almost seems as if she is floating through the halls of my home. I love walking with her like this, but more so, I love seeing her in my home. I can’t wait until the moment that she never leaves. That when I come home, she’s here, waiting for me. We will bring our children here, raise them. I can see it. I can.
“You’re quiet.”
I smile, squeezing her hand as I nod. “Just thinking.”
Leaning her head on my shoulder, she says, “Good thing to think about.”
“I think so too,” I say. “I’m sorry if my family offended ya.”
“They didn’t.” She looks up at me and shrugs. “It’s just weird.”
“It’s going to take some getting used to,” I say, but then I pause. Something flickers in her eyes, something almost like resistance. Like she wanted to say something but is holding back. “What?”
She shakes her head, but I push on. “Tell me.”
Meeting my gaze again, she goes, “Fiona says that you guys are going to change me. That I can’t be me and be an O’Callaghan.”
I nod before stopping and turning to her. “I mean, there are expectations of us.”
She watches me for a moment and asks, “What kind of expectations?”
I bite my lip and let out a long breath. “You have to dress the part, go to tea with people you don’t know or like. You have to, shite, I don’t know, Amberlyn. I don’t care about that stuff. All I care about is you. I want you.”
“I want that too,” she says quietly as she looks down, lacing her fingers together. “I’ll admit they make me nervous. I don’t want to change me. I love me, but I also don’t want to live a moment without you.”
“I love you too, and I would never ask you to be something you’re not. My parents might try though; I’m not going to lie. I’ll talk to them, and hopefully, it won’t be that bad.”
She still looks unsure, so I say, “But Amberlyn, things are going to change. You won’t be Amberlyn Reilly anymore. You’ll be Amberlyn O’Callaghan, my wife, and with that, we have to do parties and stupid shite, when really, I’d rather lie in bed with you and never leave. So, this is your out, my love. I tried to get a year so that you could see more of my life and how it works, but I couldn’t. If you’re not ready for it, please, tell me, and I’ll let you go. I want you to be happy. I want you to live the life you deserve.”
With a grin, she steps to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I’m not going anywhere. The life I deserve is with you.”
“Ya sure?” I ask ’cause I’m sure that I see differently
in her sweet eyes.
“Very. I know you won’t make me do something I don’t want to do.”
“I won’t,” I promise.
“So we’re good. I’ll go with it, but the moment I feel something isn’t right, I’ll say something.”
“Good, I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“So, while we are discussing that, I don’t want to move in here.”
My brows come together as I eye her. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t want to move in with your parents. That’s weird. We are adults. We have to have our own place.”
I see Lena and Micah coming toward us over her shoulder, and I don’t want them to hear us. Taking her hand in mine, I lead her down the hall and up the stairs.
“Where are we going?”
I look back at her. “My room.”
“Oh,” is her answer as we go down another hall.
“My family lives in the North Wing, which is eight rooms, twelve bathrooms, two dining rooms, a huge kitchen, and three studies. It is also broken up into the three stories. My room is at the top with no one else. Lena is on the second, and my parents are on the main. I’ll have to take you on a tour of the whole house,” I say as I reach for my door and push it open.
I move to the side and watch her face as she enters. “Holy crap, it’s a like a penthouse.”
I smile. “Yeah. Have my own bathroom, balcony, and sitting area. Through that door is the bedroom,” I say, walking past her to open the door to my bedroom. The room is large with big stained glass windows and another door that leads to the bathroom. In the middle is a huge four-poster bed that is fit for a king, as my ma always says. I’ve slept in that bed since I was a baby. Amberlyn walks in, an expression of awe on her face as she looks around.
“I like the blue.”
“It’s my favorite color.”
She smiles back at me before pointing the door to the right. “What’s in there?”
“I wish I could say it was something cool like a room of sex toys, but no, it’s a closet,” I joke as I push the door open. She peeks in, her eyes going wide.
“This is a whole other room! Why do you need all this space?”