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The Chase is Over (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 5) Page 7

  “Me too.”

  “You’re still sleeping.”

  “This is true. So, here is the plan—I’ll do you really good tonight, and you’ll sleep like a baby.”

  She snorts. “I’m staying at my mom’s.”

  I think that over. “Okay, I’ll sneak in, do you real good, like, the best you’ve ever had, and then leave.”

  “Do I leave money on the nightstand?”

  “Yes. My fee has gotten high since I won two Stanley Cups.”

  “What do Stanley Cups have to do with doing me good?”

  I grin. “I get super excited about them, and I want nothing more than to suck your clit in my mouth until you pass out.”

  “Jesus,” she says, fanning herself playfully. “Fine. I’ll leave some good money for you.”

  “Good. Leave the window open.”

  “Will do,” she snickers as she wraps her arms around my neck, and I kiss her jaw. I lean my head against hers as we look out at our venue. “It’s incredible.”

  “Absolutely. Everything you dreamed of?”

  “And more,” she says on a sigh before she sits up, gazing down at me. “What are you most looking forward to? The nacho bar?”


  “Audrey’s cake?”

  “Not even kinda.”


  “Watching you walk down the aisle.”

  Her lips spread into the widest grin. “Aw, that’s totally sticky-sweet.”

  I laugh, kissing her lips hard. “What about you?”

  “Kissing you,” she says almost automatically, but I eye her playfully. “And the nacho bar.”

  “There’s my girl,” I joke, and we dissolve into laughter. I’ve never felt so complete in my life as I do right now, sitting in our venue, ready to marry my forever. My Shelli Grace.

  She may be a bridezilla, but I take great pride in the fact that I’m the only one who can tame her.

  To say my bride is the most gorgeous girl in the room would be an understatement.

  Only Shelli can pull off a white lace pantsuit with a flowy lace train on it. In white Jimmy Choo high heels that have some feathers on them, she looks like the chic, gorgeous woman she is. Her hair is up in a high bun, her makeup smoky with a bright-red lip, and she’s wearing dangling diamond earrings.

  She’s absolutely stunning, and I get to marry her tomorrow.

  I hook a thumb toward her as she walks with her mom and sister toward the bathroom. “See my hot soon-to-be wife?”

  My brother rolls his eyes as Wes leans over to check Shelli out. When I smack his chest, he gives me a dirty look. “You told me to see her, so I see her!” I chuckle as Wes rolls his eyes, and Asher laughs along with me. “Man, you’re a jackass,” Wes says, rubbing his chest.

  I scoff. “I was making a statement, and you took it too far.”

  “Hey, not my fault your girl is hot. She’s nice to look at.” I go to smack him once more, but he blocks me, laughing uncontrollably. “Maybe, instead of Shelli, I’ll go check out Stella.”

  I give him a dead-ass stare, which only makes him laugh harder as he walks away with no cares whatsoever. “I’m going to kill him.”

  Asher smirks. “Ally told me that Stella is digging Wes.”

  “Don’t care. Something’s changed with Wes since Boon got with Posey. Plus, he’s too old for her and is now the biggest manwhore I know.”

  “So were you,” he interjects, and I laugh out.


  My brother laughs along, leaning into me as I watch him. There hasn’t been a moment in my life when I didn’t love this guy. I remember wanting a baby brother so bad, and when he arrived, I was stoked. We were instant best friends. Yeah, there is an age gap, almost as big as the one between Shelli and me, but there is no gap between our hearts. He’s my main dude, my best man.

  “It’s crazy how all that changed,” he says then before meeting my gaze. “How you went from not wanting anyone for more than one night to only wanting Shelli.”

  I smile. “Wish I hadn’t wasted all that time fighting it.”

  Asher agrees with a nod. “I remember that like it was yesterday, but I always knew you two would end up together.”

  “Everyone did but me,” I laugh, and he smiles. “But then, I knew you and Ally would end up together.”

  He grins, his eyes leaving mine for his wife. Ally, the beauty that she is, stands with Shelli and Posey, now that they’re back from the bathroom. They’re rubbing Posey’s belly, and she doesn’t look happy about it. Ally must feel us looking at her, because she glances over, grinning at us. Asher waves, and she blows him a kiss. The look on my brother’s face fills me with such joy. “She’s pretty perfect for me.”

  “I’d say so,” I say slowly. “Especially since you married her and all.”

  Asher’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t look at me, nor does he deny it. “Who told you?”

  “Shelli. Emery accused Ally, and she admitted to it.”

  Asher inhales sharply, finally looking at me. “Are you mad?”

  “Mad that you didn’t tell me, or that you didn’t invite me?”

  Asher gives me a wry smile. “Both?”

  I cup his shoulder. “Neither. I’m just happy for you.”

  He lets out a long breath, which he was apparently holding. “Do Mom and Dad know?”

  “Don’t think so, but you may need to pay off Emery not to tell.”

  “Fuck me,” he mutters as he looks around. “Let me go find her ass.”

  I laugh as he walks away just as my dad comes over to me. “He looks pissy. What’s wrong?”


  He nods as he crosses his arms over his chest. The fact that her name is an answer says a lot about my sister. “Well, I have a confession.”

  I look to my father. He’s aged over the last couple months. The Cup run was hell, and Emery is more than likely gonna put him in the crazy house. It makes me sad that he’s aging; I don’t want to live a life without my dad. He’s my hero. “What’s that?”

  His gaze meets mine, and the breath is knocked out of me when I see the tears gathering in his eyes. “I’m not ready for you to get married.”

  I wrap an arm around his shoulders, leaning into him. “No?”

  “Nope, means you’re really a man.”

  “Dad, I’ve been a man.”

  “Nope. You’re my baby, still fighting hippogriffs and thinking you can play baseball.”

  I snort as he chuckles loudly. “God, I sucked.”

  “So bad,” he says, shaking his head. “But I’m thankful you turned out okay.”

  “I had great parents,” I admit, and he hugs me into his side.

  “I’m proud of you, son.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  He hugs me tightly and then asks, “So, things are good with Shelli? New York?”

  “Yup,” I say with a nod. “She’s going.”

  “Good. She’s a star, Aiden.”

  “I know,” I say, watching as she mingles with everyone, laughing and being her fun self. I love her laugh. I love her lips, and man, I love her ass. My heart explodes in my chest when her eyes meet mine. A sneaky little grin covers those sweet lips, and everything goes still. I’m just so proud of her. I’m spellbound by her, and without really knowing what I’m doing, I start toward her. Her lips curve even more as she walks away from her group, meeting me in the middle. I capture her jaw, kissing her briefly before I keep walking toward the stage.

  “Rude!” she calls to me, and I laugh as I get up on the stage.

  I tap the mic, and everyone looks up at me as I bring my lips to it. “Hey, if I could have my beautiful bride meet me up here.”

  She gives me a look. “Why didn’t you just bring me with you?” she calls as she comes toward me. Everyone chuckles as she makes her way up onto the stage with my help since it’s a big step up. I lace my fingers with hers, and she wraps her arm around mine, grinning up at me.

lean in, kissing her nose, and my heart is beating out of control. I look out at our family and wedding party with an unstoppable grin on my face. “I want to thank everyone for being a part of our wedding. This has been one hell of a wedding to plan, and I can’t wait to stand up there and marry my girl tomorrow.” I’m met with applause as Shelli squeezes my arm. “I know we came here yesterday for our family dinner, but I wanted to come tonight because when I first moved back, I used to sit at that bar and watch this insanely gorgeous and talented woman sing.”

  Shelli beams at me, and soon, everyone in the room is gone. “I used to say I came for the free food, but really, it was for this astonishing lady. You see, I’d sit at the bar and tell myself that everything you sang was for me.”

  “It was.”

  I lean in, kissing her lips, and I hear people start to tease us, but I don’t care. As we part, I kiss her top lip before separating so I can speak into the mic. “I wanted you, so badly, but I was terrified. I would sit there and think, can I chance it? Can I give you my heart? And also, how bad will Shea Adler kill me?”

  She snorts with laughter as Shea calls out, “You’re lucky you’re a good kid!”

  I can’t look at him, though. My gaze is held hostage by Shelli’s. “I’m so extremely proud to be yours,” I say to her, only her. I look out at our families. “This incredible woman was chosen for the lead role as Eliza Schuyler in Hamilton.” Everyone gasps, but then as I expected, they start to cheer and clap for my bride. “I can’t wait to watch you shine, Shelli. Because, my darling, I can’t ever take my eyes off you.”

  Tears gather in her eyes as I bring her hand up to my lips, kissing it ever so softly. I let her go to reach over to where my guitar is waiting for me. I put the strap over my shoulder as I meet her gaze. “I wanted to sing for you tomorrow, but I chickened out. Unlike you, I can’t sing in front of a crowd.” There is laughter as I strum my fingers along the strings. “So, I want to sing to someone whom I respect, whom I love, whom I am so proud of, and whom I am bursting at the seams to scream ‘I do’ to at exactly four thirty tomorrow.”

  Shelli’s lip quivers as I start to play “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” in an arrangement I made. Very acoustic and romantic. I don’t use the mic; I sing just for her. My eyes lock with hers as I sing the words I feel with everything in my soul. She inspires me daily, and I want her to know how much she means to me. By the looks of it, tears falling down her round cheeks, I know she feels what I feel. Complete bliss.

  When I tear my gaze from hers, it’s to look out and see our family members have all paired off, dancing. I watch as my mom lays her head on my dad’s chest, swaying. I wanted nothing more than to be loved and to love someone the way my parents love each other, and here I am, singing to the woman of my dreams. I close my eyes, emotion choking me as I sing for my bride. When I open them, she has her hands folded under her chin, her eyes focused on me. I finish the last note, and I want nothing more than to kiss her. But instead, I lean into the mic and say, “I can’t wait to marry you, Shelli Grace Adler. You are my forever.”

  She hiccups a sob before we embrace, her lips coming for mine. I meet her earnestly, our lips moving together in such harmony. When we part, her eyes meet mine as we press our foreheads together. “I love when you sing to me.”

  “I only want to sing to you.”


  “Forever, because I’m yours.”

  Her lip wobbles, and I smile before our lips meet once more.

  Funny how I never saw myself saying that to anyone before Shelli. But then, Shelli isn’t just anyone.

  She’s the only one for me.

  Chapter 10


  Much to my surprise, Aiden has been pulling out all the stops all week. When we arrived at James Place, Grace led my bridal party and me upstairs to the spot where Aiden had the bathtubs a week ago. But it had been changed over into a setup with a gorgeous table covered with flowers and a beautiful brunch spread. I’m in awe of him. He was so hard to pin down, but when I did, he became completely mine. I sit down to a plate with a blue Tiffany box in the middle of it. Under the box is a little note, so I open that first as everyone watches me.

  Shelli Grace,

  We’re hours away from becoming husband and wife. I’m ready to see you. I’m ready to hit that nacho bar, but most of all, I’m ready to be your husband. I’m so lucky to have you.

  I love you.

  - Aiden

  My lips curve as I open the little blue box to find a diamond-encrusted four-leaf clover ring. I wiggle with excitement as I slide it onto my right-hand ring finger, gawking at its beauty.

  “He’s amazing,” Mom says, and I nod.

  “Agreed,” I say on a sigh. “I love him so much.”

  “I know,” she says, cupping my hand. “I’m so proud of you, Shelli.”

  I grin over at her. “Not mad I’ll be leaving you high and dry?”

  She shakes her head. “Never, not when you have to shine, my love.”

  My heart is full as Posey says, “I’m just glad Aiden is cool with you leaving.”

  Amelia nods. “Me too. That was stressing me out. You deserve that role, Shelli. And he’s right, you’re going to kill it.”

  I chew on my lip, running my thumb over the ring my groom just sent me. I look up at my mom, and she gives me a concerned look.


  “Maybe I shouldn’t do it.”

  All three of their faces change. Gone is the giddy excitement, morphed into uneasiness.

  “What do you mean?” Posey asks, her eyes trapping mine. “This is a dream part. The show is sold out months in advance.”

  “I just worry that leaving him for six months for rehearsals and the show’s run will put a wedge between us. And it blows that I’m feeling that way when I was so excited, and after I got him on board.”

  Amelia slowly nods in agreement, but my mom and sister aren’t convinced. “I couldn’t just up and leave Chandler like that, but we have kids, Shelli. It’s just you two, and y’all are good. Great, even, so connected.”

  “I know, but that’s another thing. He wants kids.”

  Posey eyes me, running her hand along her growing belly. “What do you want?”

  “I don’t know. When he said it, I wasn’t ready. But I keep thinking about it. Maybe having kids now would be smart, so we’re not old when they leave us.”

  My mom smiles. “But when they leave, will you have the chance to be on Broadway again?”

  I think that over. “Well, I’m sure you could still have a spot if you wanted.”

  “If I wanted. I don’t,” she says, her eyes locking with mine. “Do you want it or not? That’s the question.”

  “I do,” I answer almost automatically. “But I also want Aiden, and I want to make him happy.”

  “But you are. You do. Look how supportive he is, Shelli. I mean, I cried watching him sing to you,” Amelia adds. “He’s in it for you, whatever you want. He loves you—all of you. I don’t think that will change with distance.”

  “It didn’t the first time,” my mom supplies, and I meet her gaze. “Did you tell him you’re feeling like this?”

  “I did, but he was like, you committed, you’re going, and you’ll kill it. He wants whatever makes me happy, but I don’t want to make him unhappy in the process. I regret not feeling this way before. And now, here I am, about to walk down the aisle, and I’m freaking the fuck out.”

  I cover my face, fighting back the tears. When my sister wraps her arms around me, I lean into her, needing her strength.

  “It’s all becoming really real,” she whispers against my hair. “We went from planning this huge-ass wedding to, holy shit, being here. You’re just feeling everything right now. Aiden loves you. He supports you. You’re going to New York, and you’re going to be the best damn Eliza ever, while being the best damn wife and best damn aunt, because you don’t do anything mediocre.”

  I swallow hard as
tears run down my face before I look up at her. “I don’t.”

  “You don’t,” she agrees with me, cupping my face. “Shelli Adler shines, but Shelli Brooks is going to blow us all away because she’s married to her happily ever after.”

  My lip quivers. “I feel complete. Like all my dreams are coming true. But I’m also scared it’s all going to crash and burn.”

  Mom squeezes my hand. “They can’t when you have the support of a great man like Aiden Brooks and your family behind you.”

  She’s right; they’re all right. I move my head up and down, hugging my sister close before whispering, “I’m so thankful for you guys, and I love you so much for always supporting me.”

  Amelia and Posey hug me close, their love abundant on their faces. My mom leans in, kissing my cheek. Her lips rest there as she says, “And I always will. No matter what, I’ll always be your biggest fan.”

  Talk about being in my feelings, and talk about being one lucky girl.

  Best family, though they are crazy, and soon-to-be best husband, with an added crazy family.

  But like Posey said, I don’t do anything mediocre.

  After a beautiful brunch, full of remembering the past and discussing hopes for our future, with all my favorite foods and ladies, it’s time for hair and makeup. I sit in a chair with my legs up against my chest as they work their magic on me. Posey, my mom, and Amelia are in chairs too, getting just as gorgeous. “Where are the kids?” I ask Amelia anxiously. I’m shaking with nerves, with anticipation, as she side-eyes me since the girl is fixing her hair.

  She pats my hand, noticing my stress. “Chandler has them. He’s going to bring them up when it’s time for them to get ready. We don’t want them underfoot, I promise.”

  I’m so excited to see my babies in their little flower girl dress and ring bearer suit. Emery is going to pull the kids down in a wagon, which is going to be so adorable. “Have Ryan and Sophia gotten in yet?”

  Mom shakes her head. “No, Sophia had her optional girls’ competition last night, so they’re coming in from Gatlinburg. But Ryan promised they’ll be here before the wedding.”