Becoming the Whiskey Princess Read online
Page 8
Looking back at her, I shake my head. “No, this is my wedding dress.”
“But it’s blue.”
“I know, the color of Declan’s eyes.”
She makes a face before shaking her head. “But it isn’t traditional.”
Before I can answer that I really don’t give two shits, Shelia says, “Actually, it is.”
I look over at her as she stands and comes toward me. Tears roll down her face as she takes my hands in hers. She kisses my palms before squeezing my hands. “Back in the old days, all the Irish brides wore blue. It isn’t like that anymore because everyone thinks white is the color of purity and all that jazz, but some still try to venture back to those days. I wore blue, not something like this, but it was blue, very plain. But so was your ma’s. It was this color, short with cuffed sleeves, and she wore her hair down, blowing in the summer breeze. I remember that day like it was yesterday.”
I smile, my heart skipping a beat as the memory of her dress comes back to me. “I remember the picture of them. It was almost like sundress because it was all they could afford.”
“Yeah, but my brother said she was the most gorgeous girl in the world, and God bless him, but if he were here right now, he’d say he lied. Cause you, my sweet girl, are simply stunning.”
My lip wobbles as the tears start to roll down my cheeks. “Aunt Shelia, I found my dress. The dress I’m going to marry Declan in.”
“You did, my love. You did.”
Wrapping her arms around me, she hugs me tightly, kissing my cheeks as I cry, but when I look in the mirror, I can see that Mrs. O’Callaghan isn’t happy about it.
Too bad, I don’t care one bit.
“I think you’ll like it.”
Declan smiles before he trails kisses down my throat.
“I sure I will. It’ll be on ya.”
I smile. “It isn’t traditional.”
“Eh, who cares,” he says, kissing my neck.
“Your mom hated it.”
He scoffs. “Again, who cares? It’s your dress, mo stór.”
“Yeah,” I agree, but I am bursting at the seams wanting to tell him everything about it. We only have twenty minutes before the pub opens, and I figured it was enough time to spend with him. Maybe tell him about my dress, even though Fiona swore me to secrecy. It’s just so hard not to though. I want to tell him everything about it, every single detail, and how I feel in it. It’s been three days since I picked it, and I wanted more than anything to bring it home, but it needed to be altered.
I really need to keep it to myself. Why spend time talking about my dress when we could be making out or something? It’s few and far between that we get moments like this. His work schedule is dumb. That’s the only word I can think to describe it. I hate it, but stolen moments like this are kind of fun. As the lightning crashes outside and the rain falls in sheets against the hood of his car, I continue to kiss him, our hands exploring each other’s bodies, making us completely and utterly mad for each other.
“I don’t like being away from ya. Not one bit,” he mutters against my neck as his hands trail up my ribs to my breasts.
“I hate it too,” I mutter before his mouth comes down on mine.
Pulling away, he sucks in a deep breath as he looks deep into my eyes. They are as dark as the storm clouds above, but unlike the menace of the storm, I love the color of his eyes. I love how when he gets turned on they darken, and it pleases me to know I do that to him. My inexperience makes me a little nervous, but it’s times like this that make me feel like I could maybe drive him crazy.
Taking my face in his hands, he kisses me, drawing the kisses from me in a slow, deliberate way that has my toes curling against my flip-flops.
Tearing his mouth from mine, he smiles. “Want to ask ya something.”
“Okay?” I ask, gasping for breath. “Now? We are busy, aren’t we?”
He chuckles but backs away when I try to kiss him. “Sure, but I’ve been waiting to ask this, and I can’t wait any more.”
“Yeah, I want to come home to ya, darlin’. I want to hold you in my arms and kiss ya to sleep,” he says, moving his hand through my hair. “I don’t know if you wanted to wait till we were married, but I don’t want to wait any longer. We never have a free moment together, and that could change if ya come live with me.”
I blink a few times as he holds my gaze. I was pretty direct when I said I didn’t want to live with his family. “Come live with you…and your family?”
He eyes me but then nods slowly. “I showed ya my room; it’s huge. We wouldn’t see my family unless we go to them.”
“So why did your mom walk in on us?”
He sits back, letting my face go as he watches me. “Because she’s insane. Hell, I don’t know, but it won’t happen again.”
Wringing my fingers together, I look down and clear my throat. “I don’t want to live with your family. I want to live with you.”
“I swear, it will be like they’re not even there.”
“It just doesn’t seem right to me. I want it to be us,” I say, and when he goes to say something, I stop him. “Yeah, I get that it’s a big house and they won’t see us, but I don’t want to live there. I want our own home.”
“But my whole family has always lived there. No one has lived anywhere else but there. They are born there and die there.”
I can see that this is about to go badly. His face is changing from turned on to annoyed. Smiling, I shrug as I say, “I mean, when you are ready to die, I’ll take you back over there.”
He glares as he takes the wheel into his hand. “It’s tradition, Amberlyn. It’s how my family works.”
I look over at him and I’m about to tell him that’s not the way I work, but then I remember what Fiona said. Give a little on some things. Maybe this is something I need to give a little on. I got my dress, the location, and no telling what else I am going to want. I can see that this is something he really wants, something that means something to him, but can I live like that? Always worried that his mom is going to walk in on us?
“The door stays locked.”
“Always,” he agrees with a nod.
I look out the window and take in a deep breath. “And if it doesn’t work out, then we have to look at other options.”
He doesn’t answer me, so I glance over at him, and he holds my gaze. “Yeah, but I’m sure it will.”
“That’s fine, but in case it doesn’t, you promise we’ll look into getting a place of our own.”
He doesn’t nod right away, and I know that he doesn’t want to agree, but then he nods slowly. “Okay, yeah.”
I smile before leaning over and kissing his lips in a smacking kiss. “Gotta give me a week or so. I gotta figure out how to tell my aunt and uncle.”
He nods, cupping my face. “Sure. We can wait till after the engagement party if you want.”
It is in a week, which will be great. We would be announced to everyone, so then maybe they would be okay with it. Probably not, but oh well, I’m doing this.
I’m moving into my fiancé’s mansion with him.
And his family.
“Are ya sure?”
I nod as I wipe up the beer I just spilled. Look back at Fiona, I shrug. “He really wants this, and you said to give a little.”
“Yeah, but, okay, I’m being selfish. I don’t want ya to leave,” she admits with a grin. “Stay till ya marry.”
I laugh as I shake my head. “It isn’t like I’m disappearing. I’ll still come to work, I’ll see you once school starts, and it’ll be fine, I promise.”
She shakes her head as she passes mugs to three waiting patrons. “You say that now, but ya never know.”
“I do know,” I say, placing my hand on her arm. She covers my hand with hers and smiles.
“Why don’t ya stay until the wedding?”
“We never see each other. I miss him,” I answer and she nods.
only ask because that’s when I’m moving out.”
I pause and whip my head in her direction. “What?”
She smiles sheepishly as she comes to me, leaning against the bar. “Yeah, I’m moving in with Kane, but I figured you wouldn’t move out till the wedding, so I told him that’s when I’d move in.”
“Fiona! When did you decide this? That’s huge!”
Her face reddens as a genuinely happy grin comes over her face. “Ah, we just decided last night. Gives him a couple months to get use to the idea, but I’m starting to leave things there.”
“That’s so awesome! Next he’ll be begging you to marry him.”
She laughs before looking over my shoulder where Kane is sitting and eating. “Oh aye, Kane.”
I turn to see him look up before grinning. “Yeah, lassie?”
Cocking her head to me, she says, “She asked when we’re getting married.”
He laughs and so does Fiona, while I stand here confused. “What?”
“We are too young for that. We’re gonna enjoy life first. If, after all that, we are ready, we’ll do it. But now, we are going to be young and in love. Try the living together thing out.”
He nods in agreement before catching her hand before she walks off. “But I’m sure the first chance I get to make you my missus, I will.”
She cups his face, grinning as she says, “I look forward to it.”
He taps her ass playfully before giving her a smacking kiss. As I stand watching, I envy them. Not only do they get to see each other whenever they please, but they have time. Declan and I don’t have that. Everything seems as if it’s in fast-forward mode and we have no idea how to slow it down. We’ll be married in a couple months, we’ll be living in his home, and he’ll be running a company while I bust my ass during school. It kind of scares me. I’m not saying I’m having second thoughts because I’m not, but I am nervous.
To my core.
“When you gonna tell Ma and Da?”
I look over at Fiona and shrug. “I was gonna ask you the same thing.”
Her brows come in before taking a step toward me. “What’s wrong?”
I let my shoulders sag and shake my head. “I wish I had time like you and Kane do,” I say quietly, turning to face the bottles of alcohol so no one can hear me. She comes to the front and nods.
“If you want it, tell someone.”
“No,” I say, shaking my head. “He’ll lose the distillery—”
“And you won’t let that happen. Yeah, I got that, but you have to think of you too.”
“But it isn’t just about me. It’s about both of us.”
“Sure, I get that, but you are being rushed.”
“Yeah, but it’s my choice,” I say, shaking my head. I turn and reach for a rag. “I shouldn’t have said anything. No worries.”
I tear away from her gaze and notice we need more beer. “I’m gonna go get some more beer.”
She tries to stop me, but I head to the back to get the beer. With each step I take, I hate that I said anything. I knew what I was getting into when I said yes. I knew that this would be fast, that things would change, and that my life wouldn’t be just mine, but Declan’s too. I want this. I do. So much, I can feel it in my bones. I want him for the rest of my life. And while, yes, some time to just be us and not worry about everything that is going on would be ideal, we have the rest of our lives for that. Once we get married and all that is behind us, it will be us. We will fall more in love with each passing day. It will be great.
It will be everything my mom ever wanted for me.
“Rubbish, is what it all is.”
I look across my desk at Kane, who nods in agreement. Looking back down at the newspapers, I want to scream. Each one is nothing but trash, but still, the people of this town read it. This is one of the parts I hate about being who I am. The part that comes with having the name O’Callaghan. A part of me wants it all to stop, but this is who I am. It worries me, though, because I’m bringing Amberlyn into this. I can’t shield her from these people, hell, I can’t even shield myself, so I have to ignore it. But it’s so fucking hard.
Reading each one, I shake my head. It’s complete bollocks!
Will Casey Burke go away for life or will his plea of insanity break him free?
What will the O’Callaghans do if that happens?
Will the Whiskey Prince be there to support his bride?
When is the wedding?
Will she marry the man she took a bullet for?
The Whiskey Baby due early next spring!
Glancing back to Kane, I say, “I’m so tired of it all. I wish they’d all go away.”
“Ah, it’s been like this since you were born,” he answers and then he laughs. “Remember when we took your car and went joyriding? We were drunk, drugged up, and had the devil in us according to the papers.”
I smile. “The devil part might have been true.”
Kane laughs. “Yeah, for sure, but still, it’s all shite. We know the truth. Casey is going to go away for life. Amberlyn will make sure of that while you are there, and no one, outside of who was invited, will find out when the wedding is. No baby is coming though, right?”
“Be real. No. We haven’t even done it yet.”
He smirks. “Oh yeah, can’t close, huh?”
I glare. “Not when my ma is walking in every five seconds.”
He laughs as he shakes his head. “Eh, it will happen. But in the meantime, ignore all this shite, yeah?”
I nod. “Yeah, it makes me nervous though.”
“What does?” he asks, his brows coming together.
Meeting my best mate’s gaze, I ask, “What if he does get off?”
I can see in Kane’s eyes he has thought the same as I have. Casey is claiming that my family caused his distress and that we drove him to do what he did. My da says it’s all crazy and he doesn’t have a leg to stand on, but it does worry me a bit. My da had offered to pay him to leave, every time we were in a room together I was ready to kick his arse, and Kane did hit him. I don’t know much about legal stuff, but nonetheless, I’m a little nervous.
I just want it all to go the fuck away.
I don’t want Amberlyn to have to sit in the courtroom and testify against him. I don’t want to be there either. I want to be far away from that gobshite for the simple fact I’m not sure I can keep my cool. I know I’m supposed to forgive him, but it’s bloody hard. He almost killed the one I am devoted to. That’s not something I can forgive. Who could forgive that? Yeah, Amberlyn has, but she’s a fucking angel!
Kane shakes his head and waves me off. “No, he’s gonna go to jail. He won’t get away with this.”
“Yeah, hopefully, you’re right.”
He scoffs. “I’m always right.”
I chuckle as a knock comes to the door, and it opens to reveal my ma. I want to make a face of distress, but that’ll upset her, so I smile instead. “Howya, Ma.”
“Hey, honey. Kane.”
“Hey, Mrs. O’Callaghan,” he says as she kisses the top of his head.
“What are yous two up to?”
“Reading rubbish,” I say, throwing the paper in the trash. “Don’t want to speak about ’em though. What brings ya by?”
“That it is,” she agrees, shaking her head. “Everyone wants to know the date, but we are being very tight-lipped.”
“Yeah, so anyway, I wanted to talk about the engagement party.”
Fuck me.
Kane hides his grin, probably due to my expression as my mother goes on.
“Everyone is coming, and I mean everyone. Everything is pretty much taken care of, but we need to get with you and Amberlyn about the cake.”
I make a face. Amberlyn is working as much as I am. I doubt she cares about a damn cake. So I tell my ma that, despite her dismay. At this point, we don’t even want the party. We just want to get married and be done. All this hoopla is getting to be a bit much.
We want to start our lives together, not prance around for people to make up more rubbish about us.
“Well, I need to know what you want.”
Letting out a long breath, I say, “Kane, what kind of cake?”
“Chocolate, of course.”
Looking at my ma, I say, “Chocolate it is.”
I can tell she doesn’t approve of my decision-making but I don’t care. I am over everything. I am stressed out about work, about this fucking party, and then most of all, having sex with my fiancée. I know it’s dumb to be stressed out about something that everyone does, but it gives me the willies. What if all the interruptions are a sign that I’m not supposed to be with her, or even be inside her? Ugh! It’s completely mental, but still, it’s got me a tad nervous. Okay. A lot nervous.
“Fine, chocolate,” she says and I smile. I fully expect her to leave, but no such luck. Looking over at me, she says, “Also, I need to tell ya something.”
My brow cocks up. “Yeah?”
“You know that I’m good mates with the O’Malleys, yeah?”
My stomach drops. Please Lord. No. “Yeah, why?”
She laces her fingers and looks away, which tells me that my suspicions were correct. “Well, I invited them to the engagement party, but they RSVP’d back with Keeva as a guest too.”
Kane shakes his head as I lean on my forearms. “Well, tell them she isn’t invited.”
She makes a face. “I can’t do that!”
“Why not? It’s my party! I don’t want her there.”
“Declan, son, please, it’s been years since you dated her.”
“She used me for my money, Ma! She’s the scum of the earth!”
She waves me off. “Please, I doubt you’ll see her. Just wanted to let you know. Warn Amberlyn about her, maybe.”
Pinching my brow, I say, “No, you disinvite her. I don’t care how that makes ya look with the O’Malleys. I don’t want Keeva at my engagement party.”
She lets out a breath, and when I look up, she nods. “Fine.”
“Thank you. I got work to do, Ma, anything else?”
She sets me with a look. “Yes, when is Amberlyn moving in?”